Do You Have to Pay for Orthodontist UK?

Find out if you have to pay for orthodontist UK and learn about orthodontic treatment in the UK National Health Service (NHS). Learn about eligibility criteria and more.

Do You Have to Pay for Orthodontist UK?

Orthodontic treatment is available in the UK National Health Service (NHS) for young people under 18 at no cost, if a dentist deems it necessary. Adults may also be eligible for NHS orthodontic treatment, but only on a case-by-case basis and if it is deemed necessary for health reasons. If you qualify for NHS braces, your treatment will be fully funded by the NHS from start to finish. This includes the initial evaluation, the actual orthodontic treatment, and aftercare.

All children under the age of 18 can undergo an orthodontic evaluation according to the NHS. However, the NHS will only pay for orthodontic treatment in cases where there is a clear health need; minor problems are not covered. The NHS has established criteria, known as the Orthodontic Treatment Need Index (IOTN), to determine who qualifies for free orthodontic treatment. If a child meets the criteria, then their treatment will be free of charge. However, the NHS does not usually fund treatment for adults. This means that people with minor irregularities may not be offered NHS treatment, but they can still opt for private orthodontics.

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