What Are the Risks of Orthodontic Treatment in the UK?

Learn about the risks associated with orthodontic treatment in the UK. Understand what potential damage can occur and how to prevent it.

What Are the Risks of Orthodontic Treatment in the UK?

Orthodontic treatment has the potential to cause damage to both hard and soft tissues, so it is important to be aware of any risks associated with it. While the risks are rare, your orthodontist will discuss any potential risks with you before beginning treatment. It is also essential to treat any carious lesions before starting any active treatment. Root resorption is a common complication during orthodontic treatment, but there is evidence that once the appliances are removed, this resorption stops. Some of the risk indicators for root resorption include previous trauma to the teeth, and shortening of the roots of the teeth.

Soft tissue damage can also occur due to wire arches or helmets, and it is important to take appropriate safety measures when using these treatments. When braces are first put in place, there may be some discomfort in the mouth as the teeth begin to move. The brace can also cause irritation inside the mouth, and speech may be temporarily affected. However, these effects should pass within a few days. If you do not follow your orthodontist's instructions, such as not wearing your braces or not keeping them clean, treatment may take longer than expected and could even leave your teeth in a worse condition than before. It is also important to keep an eye out for dark spots on your teeth or toothaches, as these could indicate that a nerve or blood supply has been damaged during treatment.

If this occurs, additional dental treatment may be required.

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