Can Orthodontists Help with TMJ Pain?

Do you suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain? Learn how orthodontic treatment can help reduce or even eliminate persistent symptoms.

Can Orthodontists Help with TMJ Pain?

Do you suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain? If so, you may be wondering if orthodontic treatment can help. The answer is yes! Orthodontic appliances are an effective option for treating TMJ, especially when the disorder is caused by a misalignment of the bite or a malocclusion. Braces can realign the bite and correct the position of the teeth and jaw, which can reduce or even eliminate persistent symptoms. Orthodontists can treat TMJ in a variety of ways, most of which are non-invasive. Three common treatments for temporomandibular joint disorder that are not invasive include: a night protector that keeps the teeth apart and prevents them from being crushed against each other; a splint that must be worn all the time; and braces to correct the bite. A night guard works to relieve pressure on the temporomandibular joint by allowing it to return to its natural position, reducing the impact on the joint.

A splint must be worn all the time, while braces are one of the best treatments for TMJ. This is because TMJ is often triggered by bite problems, and braces can effectively realign the teeth and jaws.

Can braces help with TMJ?

In many cases, the answer is yes. Braces are designed to better align your teeth while helping to keep your temporomandibular joint pain and discomfort at bay. If the cause of your TMJ is a problem with your bite, orthodontic treatment may be able to adjust how your teeth fit together in both jaws, eliminating your TMJ pain.Can Invisalign correct TMJ pain? In many cases, the answer is no.

TMD often has nothing to do with the teeth and the bite, and there are no conclusive findings to show that most types of malocclusion (incorrect bite) cause TMD and can therefore be solved with orthodontic treatment.

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