Do Orthodontists Work on Gums?

Learn about the differences between an orthodontist and a dentist. Find out what an orthodontist can do for you and how they can help improve your smile.

Do Orthodontists Work on Gums?

Certified orthodontists are trained to diagnose and treat oral health conditions of the teeth, gums, and mouth. The main similarity between a dentist and an orthodontist is that both focus on oral care. An orthodontist can work in a dental office and provide the same care as a dentist. So, in this sense, they're quite similar.

Both are considered doctors and take care of the teeth and gums. Orthodontics and periodontics are just two of the 13 areas of dental specialization. These two specialties often work together to help patients treat aesthetic problems or problems with teeth and gums. The ways in which orthodontists and dentists work to improve the oral health of their patients are very different.

Dentists are medical specialists who act broadly and deal with a wide variety of problems related to the teeth, gums, nerves and jaws. Orthodontists, on the other hand, are trained in a more limited capacity. Orthodontists receive virtually the same training as dentists, but later specialize more specifically in the areas of dentistry that deal with the correction of bite problems, the occlusion of the teeth and the straightening of the teeth, as well as the underlying structure and health of the jaw. Just as all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, all orthodontists are dentists, but a general dentist will not have the orthodontic training of an orthodontist.

If you're wondering what an orthodontist can do for you, it's important to understand the differences between an orthodontist and a dentist. Orthodontists and dentists receive the same training initially, but orthodontists complete their training after graduating from dental school. Orthodontists specialize in correcting bite problems, occlusion of teeth, straightening teeth, and maintaining jaw health. While both dentists and orthodontists help keep your mouth healthy, they do so in different ways.

Orthodontic treatments can help improve your smile by straightening crooked teeth or correcting an overbite or underbite. Orthodontic treatments can also help improve your overall oral health by making it easier to brush and floss your teeth properly. In addition to improving your smile, orthodontic treatments can also help reduce headaches caused by misaligned jaws. It's important to remember that all orthodontists are dentists, but not all dentists are orthodontists.

If you're looking for an expert to help improve your smile or oral health, it's important to find an experienced orthodontist who has specialized training in this field.

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